Monday, 12 March 2007

Spring on March 12th

Last night I did homework until 2 in the morning (ughhh). As I worked the wind rose, bullying the pine trees on our front yard, the temperature didn't drop, and while we were sleeping spring came back and dug in for the long haul. This morning the tulips had already burst two inches through the soil! On March 12!! Ethan, who is now sleeping in his high chair next to me with his mouth still full of cracker, toddled around outside with me for a long time. I think he'll never be happy inside again ;-)
David and Kendra and Ethan and ??


patti said...

Welcome to the world of blogging Dave! The weather WAS beautiful today ... except it snowed in the evening. :(

Valerie Ruth said...

gorgeous pictures! i'm glad i can keep up with your life on your blog. love you guys!