Sunday, 13 May 2007

Worship - Thoughts from a Sunday Morning

  • Worship is sacrifice, not a product or a utility. Rodney Clapp writes “To say I go to church to be fed is like saying 'I go to church so I can act like a baby.'" We are here not to get something out of worship. We are here to give a sacrifice in worship.

  • Worship is an act of defiance – in worship we proclaim a countercultural way of life in which the poor and those who weep now and hunger now and are persecuted now will be the winners in the end.
  • Worship is our way of proclaiming our discontent with the way things are and pointing to the way that things will be when the King comes. N.T. Wright says that “Worship is about practising, in the present, the tunes we shall sing in God’s new world.”
  • Worship is a matter of life and death – for without true worship we are diminished, wither, and eventually die.



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