You get up in the morning and heat up water for a drink. With the water bubbling and roiling you set the kettle on your table. The sun is shining, and its beams bathe the table, the kettle, and the tendrils of steam pouring up from its spout.
Look at this dance of steam! Listen, look closely, quietly. It billows and rushes out. It twines and curves sineously, the warp and woof of a magic fabric. And just when you think you’re beginning to understand the pattern, it vanishes, teasing.
What a playful thing! Why did God create it this way? Why pour such a proliferation of beauty and creativity and wonder into a phenomenon as inconsequential as steam? It is utterly extravagant, and utterly playful, as is God.
God is the most innocent being in the universe, and therefore the most playful. He is also the one who has seen the most evil, felt the most pain, and been wounded the worst. But through this He remains utterly innocent, like a young child, loving and playful.
The work of His Spirit in our lives imitates this. We who have His Spirit are most fortunate! The pain and evil in and around us do not have the final word. The word of the LORD, which goes forth and does not return without bearing fruit, is the final word in us. And we are formed into children of the Most High who remain playful, bright lights of innocence to so dark and jaded a world.
Friday, 1 June 2007
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beautifully written! and um, what drink might you have been making on this inspiring morning?
Many times I need to rediscover that childlike playfulness! It is easily lost in our day to day struggles with life.Thanks for the reminder. Actually, I need Ethan to help me rediscover the delights of life!
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