Sunday, 19 August 2007

Abigail Elise Salome Funk

Born 13:01, August 16th.
6lbs, 11 ozs
20 inches
and so far, utterly angelic and easy to care for... unlike her older brother!!!!

Finally at home...

Mom and Dad, this is the 1 perfect rose i bought for her with the gift you gave us - thank you!
We wish we could show her off to you in person!
David, Kendra, Ethan, and Abigail


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl she is! We're thrilled for you guys. Sending our love to all four of you...

Anonymous said...

We are all so blessed! Beautiful pictures -- especially of you and Abigail and rose, and the one of Kendra holding her in just her diaper! Can't wait to see you all! love MOM

Garth said...

Congrats! We're getting used to a boy - good to see you're getting used to a girl!

Valerie Ruth said...

am so jealous happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!
She's is so beautiful. Kendra looks amazing and Dave, what a proud dad!!! You have the million dollar family. Treasure these special moments!Looking forward to hearing all about her!Love and prayers,
andrea (sbc)