Thursday, 20 September 2007

Happy Birthday!!

Today my little sister Val turns 28.

Let me tell you a bit about her: First, there ain't no one like her ever in the whole world. You know how you hear people say that God must think highly of each of us since he made each of us so unique? Well, that's more true of Val than most anybody else ;-0

She's also been a good friend for a long time - something pretty cool between brother and sister. We've walked some interesting roads together, light and high, deep and dark.

Val has a sense of humor like no one else - really. You never quite know what's going to come out of her mouth, nor from which direction it'll hit you. Her sense of humor is not different than others just in terms of quantity (she's not cracking jokes all the time), but in quality. I don't know how her mind works, that she comes up with the stuff she does. I'd give you an example, but you just have to know her.
Val, we miss and love you way out here in cowtown. Wish we could be with you this evening. Have a great 28th!!!
David (and Kendra and Stinker and Abigail)


Valerie Ruth said...

wooowww thank you! what an honor to have a blog about me. made me smile!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! It is amazing to be the mother of such interesting and diverse kids! Wonder where you got that great picture! Love MOM

Anonymous said...

Stinker, eh? Didn't I tell you that as soon as the second kid comes along, the first one instantly loses his/her innocence? How is it that our children instinctively know so many creative ways to get into trouble and make us tear our hair out? He is an awefully cute little stinker, though - just wish we were closer so we could give him more ideas (and have a chance to hold Abigail). Love you guys. Tante Carol