Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Consumerism and Children

An area in which the influence of Consumerism may be seen is in our attitude towards children. For centuries the Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Islam, Christianity) regarded procreation and the bringing up of children as an integral part of marriage. This, of course, was before birth control! Now the view has shifted and children are optional in a marriage. “Don’t let children ruin your career. And don’t have too many because that will spoil your standard of living and tie you down. You won’t be able to enjoy yourself.” Children are to be had only if they suit the couple and their “lifestyle choice.” The dark side of this is, when a child does not suit a couple and a pregnancy occurs anyhow, the action taken is often abortion. The vast majority of abortions are performed for these selfish and merely social reasons.

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