Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Lost in the Supermarket, Part II

"This idea that Christianity and consumerism are completely compatible is… the great insanity of our times."

-Win Butler, lead singer of Arcade Fire, on the theme of their album Neon Bible

In last month’s article we looked at what Consumerism is and how it actually functions as a religion for our culture and, to be honest, for many of us who also follow Jesus. (For a review see the previous article here) But is this really true? Is Consumerism an alternative religion with which Christianity competes? More to the point, have we allowed our allegiance to Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God to be quietly compromised by our love for the life of Consumerism? There is one way to find out, and that is to examine the way that we live. How we act is the best indicator of what we deeply believe. Over the next few days I will be posting on the effects of Consumerism on how we act in relation to religion, marriage, birth, death, and our neighbor, and I'm especially curious to hear from you whether these observations jive with what you have noticed, whether I'm out in left field, or whether there is another and better explanation out there for the way we act. Let loose! And, to start things off, lets take a look at:


If our culture is a culture of Consumerism, then religion will be simply be one more product, the purpose of which is to aid in my own self-fulfillment, pleasure, and gratification. Religions are like cereal; pick whatever one suits you best for the needs you have now. Christians have swallowed this same mentality, but instead of picking from different religions to suit our needs, we choose from different churches. We go “church shopping” to find the church that best suits our “needs.” If a church no longer meets those “needs,” we often find a better church where those “needs” will be met. We unintentionally but willingly promote the view of our culture that the church “is best understood as a privatized utility dispensing a franchised commodity called ‘religion’.” (Colin Greene, “Consumerism and the Spirit of the Age” in Christ and Consumerism, ed. Craig Bartholomew and Thorsten Moritz, (Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 2000.), 25.)


Anonymous said...

I have a thought regarding the popular notion within the modern Church regarding being a "seeker sensitive" church.

There is no doubt that the church must always appropriately reflect Christ when dealing with those truly seeking truth and braving to darken our doors.

However, could it be that, bombarded by consumerism, many are simply seeking yet another product to ease their pain, and that we are, likewise, offering our christian "wares"?

It seems to me that in times past, when the Church has attempted to make Christianity popular and "desirable", it has ended in either a dismal failure at best, or worse, ended up comprimising the testimony and effectiveness of a gospel "watered" down by the cares (aka methods) of the world?

Hmmm. Perhaps it is not so much the attractiveness of our methods and efforts to those seeking truth that will get their attention, but rather the attractiveness of Christ in us that will be effective - both within and without the Body of Christ.

Anonymous said...

From my experience, Christians have always just branched off in denominations and that's partly the reason we see so many different churches popping up, to fulfill more "needs".

Dad said I was not non-denominational, but inter-denominational. Meaning that my beliefs are firm on what I read in the Bible, and what I get from reading the Bible, some of the rules I believe to be true are not nessecarily always in the same denomination.

I come to ACF, and it is still a Mennonite church, but the denomination has never mattered all that much to me, what has mattered is, "Do I feel the love of Christ in the people of this church?" And I've honestly felt that in 2 of the churches I've been to, including ACF.

But I agree with the idea that consumerism has almost collided and actually more... molded to religion, because with so many out there, is it almost as varied as the produce section in the grocery store. Either have a whole bag of apples, or a basket of everything.

Anonymous said...

So is there ever a time to leave and go somewhere else? Or do you stay no matter what? We would like more than anything to stay, but we're not sure we can. Is changing churches always "church shopping"?