Wednesday 28 January 2009

Ethan's 3rd Birthday!

Nothing Runs Like a Funk...

A John Deere cake too... Kendra was all stressed out when she was making it because the lines between the fields were a bit messy and blurred, "Not," she said, "like it looks on a map!" I told her that it would look like a map if we took a picture of it from 20 feet up. Yes, Kendra is a bit of a perfectionist ;-)

Ethan eating his centipede candy from Grandma and Grandpa Plett - Yuck!! And yes, that's a smile, the one he puts on for the camera.

We had to light the candles two times b/c he blew them out immediately after Kendra lit them the first time - blowing out candles is, apparently, a BIG thrill.

With his friend Adan... Whenever they come over, they put on the alligator and giraffe suits and run around eating each other.

And one last "smile" for the camera - thanks for the presents Grandmas and Grandpas!!
Ethan playing with the train and track we found used - a gift from us and G&G Funk.
We miss you all and wish you could have been with us!!!
the faraway Funks


Anonymous said...

oh yes, those far away funks! How we wish we could have been a little closer to have a bite or two of that lovely 'field' cake! Thanks for giving us a little look into your special day! love Grandma Funk

Anonymous said...

Wow looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Great cake Kendra! Heh nothing runs like a Funk, I like it.

If only Paul and I had giraffe and shark suits I think the daily grind would be a lot more interesting.

Ethan's camera smile is hilarious!! Looks suspiciously close to calvin's evil grin though...


David Funk said...

Jen, you're right!!! Ethan is Calvin. Uh oh...

On the lighter side, I really do think the giraffe and shark suits would work well for you and Paul in your daily grind. Just order them here...

and (my favorite) here...

Send us some pics when you get 'em ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oooh no they're out of stock... amazing costumes, I'm really loving the shark that's just hilarious!! j