Friday, 23 November 2007

Kids for Sale!

Well, almost. Last night Kendra and I had planned to go to the Rosebud Theatre for a fancy date - the first time we would have been on a date on our own in months and months. But no! Everyone got sick. And then, to cap it all off, Abigail just wouldn't sleep (i walked and rocked and patted her bum and gave her her soother for 2.5 hrs), Ethan was up on and off, Kendra had severe abdominal pain for several hours (writhing on the floor, was how she put it), and then Ethan was awake at 5:30 calling for his John Deere Tractor, or milk, or banana, or his ball, just anything but sleep. That was the point at which I rolled over and suggested to Kendra that we sell our kids.

Those of you who have parents close by - you're LUCKY!!!!


Valerie Ruth said...

they both still fly free. next time, put them on a plane and send them over!

David Funk said...

unfortunately they each have to be accompanied by an adult, otherwise we'd have done so many times already ;-)

Anonymous said...

yahoo! No other bidders yet, that makes me the winner! (or do you have a deadline like ebay?) I'll take them anyday, can't afford to pay what they're worth though! Wishing you better sleeps, MOM

David Funk said...

Congratulations Mom, you are the winner!! Your prize will be delivered next week Wednesday ;-)

Kathy said...

Ahh...yes. Sounds all too familiar. Maybe they should do kid swap like they do wife swap. All the families totally appreciate their wives/moms when they have to put up with someone else's, so I bet that would work with kids!